Bulging Veins In Legs: Could it be an undiagnosed vein disease?
Have you ever wondered if bulging veins in your legs could be a health-related problem?
If so, you are not alone…
It is quite common for people to believe that bulging veins in their legs are just another bit of their genetic heritage, passed down from one generation to the next.
While this may be true, most people have no idea that protruding veins in legs and feet could be a sign of vein disease.

Over 30 Million Americans are Affected by Vein Disease
Vein disease is a prevalent condition around the world. In the USA alone, it affects over 30 million people every year, and only a fraction of 1% of these patients seek treatment.
In this article, we will help you understand the following:
- What may be causing your bulging veins
- The most common symptoms
- The best steps you can take to fix unsightly veins in your legs.
What Causes Bulging Veins In Legs And Feet?
Did you know…
…that your heart beats at an average of 70 times in a minute, each beat pumping 2 to 3 ounces of blood into your body through the arteries. Put the numbers together, and you’ll realize that your heart pumps the equivalent of 2,000 gallons of blood into your body every day, and travels across a complex network of veins, arteries, and capillaries that spans over 60,000 miles long!
How The Problem Of Bulging Veins Starts?
Your heart pumps oxygen-rich blood to your legs and feet, while your veins need to send back this blood to the heart fighting against gravity.
When you have bulging veins in your legs and feet, the arterial wall becomes weakened, and over time, this condition gets worse, as the blood from your legs and feet has to fight an uphill battle continually.
This results in significant stress on the blood vessels.
Common Symptoms
Symptoms of bulging veins may grow slowly. The first sign of trouble is often the obvious one, which is also commonly neglected.
Most of us with developing bulging veins think it’s just a cosmetic problem, when in fact it is an undiagnosed vein disease called chronic venous insufficiency.
In the beginning, bulging veins do not cause any pain. Most of us tend to ignore a symptom if it doesn’t cause pain, which is probably why a lot of us only realize there is a problem when the damage goes more in-depth into our body.
What Do Bulging Veins Look Like?

In the early stages, varicose veins become prominent and start turning blue. Over time, if untreated, the hue might continue to darken and soon turn into a dark purple.
At the same time, these veins will begin to look knotted and twisted. They will catch the eye of most people when they are standing close to you or talking to you. During this stage of vein disease, these veins look like thick blue strings running across your legs.
As the disease advances, you may feel significant pain in your legs. You experience symptoms such as:
- Heaviness in your step
- A stubborn and throbbing ache that never goes away and might sometimes feel like it’s cramping your muscles
- Visible swelling
- Fits of sharp pain after standing or sitting for long
- Itchy feeling by the veins
- Slight to visible discoloration of the skin around affected veins
You might look at your bulging veins and think that’s a common thing, which means you shouldn’t be worrying about it. However, that is a false sense of security, since the disease may worsen and can cause more significant problems for you than just itchy legs, such as blood clots.
Common Complications of Bulging Veins in Legs:
Ruptured Veins
When affected veins close to the surface of your skin continue to get stressed by the disease, they might rupture and start to bleed.
Blood Clotting
You can easily see varicose veins close to your skin. That doesn’t mean those veins deep into the muscles are not affected by the disease. When you start feeling the pain associated with this disease, it often means the disease has reached the deeper areas of your limbs.
A typical result of this stage of bulging veins is blood clotting, which requires immediate medical attention.
In advanced stages of bulging veins, you might begin to develop painful ulcers near your prominent blood vessels. These ulcers feel like small hard bodies when you touch the spot that feels painful. As they start to form, you might notice some discoloration before the pain begins. When this happens, you should get an appointment with your doctor immediately.
Risk factors Of Bulging Veins
People with obesity problem are more likely to develop bulging veins due to extra weight their body has to carry.
Similarly, pregnant women are highly likely to develop this problem, since the amount of blood in their body increases to provide for the fetus. However, this causes blood vessels to enlarge, especially in the legs.
Old Age
Old age is also associated with the development of varicose veins. The valves in our veins that are supposed to boost blood circulation start to show wear over time and stop functioning optimally.
The more complex nature of women’s hormonal cycles makes them more vulnerable to contracting varicose veins. These changes continuously tend to affect the level of relaxation allowed to the walls of the vessels, which can lead to the condition this article is all about.
Family History
Assuming it is just genetic is often the culprit of why people neglect varicose veins in the early stages. If your family has a history of bulging veins, you are at higher risk of developing the disease as well.
The Way Forward

What you should understand at this stage is this: varicose veins is a very treatable condition. You can adjust your habits, particularly concerning your approach to fitness, and consult a qualified physician or surgeon to get proper treatment.
These steps are just a few basic – but comprehensive – suggestions that you can start using today:
- Make exercising a necessary item on your everyday tasks.
- Monitor your weight and try to avoid becoming obese.
- Avoid diet-related bad habits, such as high salt intake.
- Wear comfortable shoes and avoid high heels.
- When resting, try to keep your legs elevated.
- Do not stand or sit for long; toggle between the two reasonably frequently.
With these simple changes in your lifestyle, you can begin to reduce the risk of developing varicose veins. However, if you suspect you have already developed the condition, visit your doctor immediately along with making these changes in your routine.
final thoughts
Most of us neglect bulging veins in legs in the early stages and thus help the disease grow. The important thing is to know that it can be treated conveniently enough and prevented altogether with a healthy routine.
If you're concerned about bulging or varicose veins, schedule a consultation with one of our providers who can review your symptoms and help you adopt a healthier and active lifestyle.